Accurate, Accessible and Scalable Cardiac Diagnostics

Detecting Heart Disease. Earlier.

1. Upload data from any monitor

The challenge of managing vast amounts of ECG data is overwhelming. The sheer volume can compromise the speed and accuracy of heart health diagnostics.

2. Get instant AI analysis

Our AI technology swiftly reviews up to 30 days of ECG recordings, ensuring that critical insights are delivered accurately and promptly.

3. Review the results efficiently

Our platform allows healthcare providers to achieve more accurate diagnoses with less manual effort and in reduced time.

Clinically Validated AI.

Our proprietary database contains specialised and diverse data from millions of patients. It is one of the most extensive data sets used to develop AI. In partnership with some of the worlds leading healthcare institutions we have developed industry-leading deep neural networks for ECG analysis. Learn more about the PulseAI platform on the Mayo Clinic Making Waves Podcast.

Our Partners.

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Ready to Connect?

Let's talk about how PulseAI can help you bring AI-ECG software to your products and services.